ExhibitDEAL to Offer Top Point of Purchase Displays

POP Displays great for trade shows and as sales booths

Santa Monica, CA – January 23, 2008 – Continuing to offer the very best trade show displays, booths, and accessories, ExhibitDEAL is happy to announce the addition of Point of Purchase Displays to their already impressive selection of trade show products.  ExhibitDEAL can be found online at:  https://exhibitdeal.com/ .

Offering a line of over 200 new, top of the line POP Displays, ExhibitDEAL is one again showing why they are an industry leader for trade show booths and exhibits.  An excellent choice for both trade shows and as sales booths in office buildings, malls, and outdoor venues, POP Displays are quickly growing in popularity with an increase in the number of options available to customize the display to the needs of the owner.

“These are great, new, fun [POP] Displays and we’re very excited to be adding them to our line,” Mat Kelly, President of ExhibitDEAL said.  “They’re perfect for those that already have a trade show display and want to give their business that extra nudge, or those just looking to branch out into new areas.  There really is a POP Display for everybody and every business.”

Since 2000, ExhibitDEAL has been leading the industry with trade show displays and booths that are on the cutting edge of style and material trends.  Their selection of trade show exhibits and accessories, which include banner stands and literature racks, is second to none, and their continued commitment to the environment is clear by their selection of Green Trade Show Flooring, all of which can be found on their website:  https://exhibitdeal.com/ .